🦋Daily Journal🦋


“What? I know I'm cute as hell, but starin’ ‘s not free. Pay up, babe.”

Name: Niraya Lainey Quinn
D.O.B.: January 24th
Age: 26 Yrs Old
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Place of Origin: Earth - Salus
Height: 4’8” (142 cm)
Weight: 90lb (~41 kg)
Blood Type: A+


  • Barbie Movies - has an extensive and impressive collection of them.

  • Sour things! The more painful the better!

  • Guns (obviously).


  • Being and feeling alone.

  • Extremely quiet spaces.

  • Horses. They’re freaky, and their whole leg is just a finger. That’s not right-

🦋Interesting Facts🦋

  • Her handwriting is god awful. Do NOT ask her to write something down for you. Sometimes she can’t even read it.

  • Baking is one of her specialties, and it's very therapeutic for her to do it.

  • Avid user of the digital archives, despite not being an Intel officer. Could navigate her way though it like nobody's business.

  • Literally a squirrel: has hid snacks everywhere around Salus so she always has something to eat in any room.

  • Makes friendship bracelets as good luck charms for people she treasures.

  • Her father gave her her name.

  • Voice Claim: Erica Livingston as Alice from Alice Isn't Dead


  • Primary Class: Mechanic (Weapon Customizer; Guns)

  • Secondary Class: Scout (Sniper)

  • Primary Class Bonus Trait: +2 to Defense Rolls

🦋Additional Skills🦋

  • Firearms Training

  • Hand to Hand Combat Training

  • A deep understanding of guns/gun like objects

  • Basic Flight Training


  • Highly customized sniper rifle (Aegea)

  • Handgun (closer range)

  • Machete

  • Binoculars

  • Bag of hard candy (sour)

  • Hip Flask (not water)

  • Trail mix

  • Lip balm

  • A set of handmade star themed rings on a chain


[ATTACK][ACTION]🦋Crackshot🦋+2 when throwing objects or using firearms.
[ATTACK]🦋Sniper🦋+2 to all attacks using guns; causes bleed if successful. Does not have a cooldown time.
[SUPPORT]🦋PITSTOP🦋Can be used up to a total of 20 HP points restored. Unconscious androids will remain unconscious. PRIMARY mechanics only can have this trait.
[ACTION]🦋Weapons Specialist🦋==+3 ==to rolls for disarming or fixing weapons. This can be either disarming a weapon itself manually or disarming a person of a weapon.
[SUPPORT]🦋WD40🦋Any weapon or mechanical tool looked over by this Mechanic prior to or during battle gains a +1 to succeeding in its intended function. Costs one post round and the effect can last until the item breaks. [STACKS +5] [GROUP STACK +5].
[STATUS]🦋Insulated🦋+3 to roll in harsher environments including heat, high temperatures or poor oxygen quality. This mechanic is resistant to shock, stunning or suffocation for one post round longer than others.


A petite young woman with an eternally sly smile and down turned hazel-green eyes. Messy auburn hair frames olive toned skin, her clothes typically are on the bigger side despite her size.


Like most short people, there's a lot of personality jam packed into her tiny body. A very social person, Niraya will talk to anyone and everyone who will give her the time of day. She’s someone who takes up as much space as allowed like an out of control weed. With this comes unrelenting persistence; she’ll bother you until you like her (even tolerating her is fine).It's obvious to every person who's ever interacted with her, but Niraya is as filter-less as one can get without getting her ass kicked. Prone to saying everything and anything off the top of the dome, the one thing you can guarantee at least is the absolute truth whenever you deal with her. She’s an open book, easy to read and easy to get answers from. Most things aren’t sacred, but she’s only human. She’s got a secret or three to keep safe.

🦋medical notes🦋

  • Functioning Alcoholic. Drinks most often on missions to calm her nerves, though it’s not above her to get plastered when under intense distress. Personality and cognition barely change when drunk or sober. Just becomes even more agreeable to do dumb things.

  • Scarring and burns in various states of healing, most long faded, some fresh.

  • Healthy otherwise.

🦋psychological notes🦋

  • ADHD. Systematically disorganized - “A method behind the madness”. Very impulsive and spontaneous, usually follows where the interest lies. Has no object permanence.

  • Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD). Part of the ADHD. Though she usually keeps it in check by reminding herself that everyone makes mistakes, sometimes she can be overly sensitive to perceived or confirmed rejection and shut down. This acts up especially when her relationships are.. On the rocks.

  • PTSD. Prone to insomnia and nightmares. Known to have panic attacks that have a ==high potential to turn aggressive ==after experiencing an event similar to the core trauma. Prone to depressive episodes that can last long stretches of time.

🦋History - TL:DR🦋

  • Niraya was born and raised in Salus, knowing the ins and out of the place that only a native would.

  • Niraya's father (Arlington Taylor) leaves her mother (Calliope Quinn) after finding out they would be having a daughter. They were supposed to get engaged, but ya know, when a dad needs to get milk…

  • Calli is an accidental absent mother which later fuels her and Niraya's nearly constant fights. The last fight they have is the worst fight they've ever had.

  • At 18, she leaves Salus (without telling anyone) to search for Wolfgang, a mentor that went missing three years ago.

  • Meet a bounty hunting duo, Yui and Lynn. She offers to help them if they help her. And she travels with them for four years.

  • She fell in love with Yui (against her better judgement and Lynn's insistence).

  • When they were scouting a bit around to make sure their camp was safe, Yui tells her to jump off of the cliff, Niraya was making a joke of it then slipped.

  • She survives, tries to find Yui and Lynn after she wakes up. They're gone. She does her best to find people who can help her.

  • Traveling medics called Moon Phase do find her after a few days, patch her up and take her with them. First meeting with her best friend (now sister because their parents are dating), Akiko Saiko.

  • Comes back to Salus at 24, a few days before PAX's fall.

  • Has been making amends and getting back into the swing of things for the past two years since.

TW: Absent parenting, a deadbeat dad, light descriptions of injury, and discussions of loneliness.

🦋History - extended🦋

The Quinn daughter had been told all of her life that she was a mistake.It was not done out of any malice; it was just a fact. Her mother, Calliope, was a woman who believed in giving the truth no matter what. It was something she installed in her daughter, and made her practice religiously. Calli answered every question, hid nothing, and always expected Niraya to do the same. She learned early, much earlier than most would feel comfortable telling their child, why they were born.Her birth father was a man named Arlington Taylor. All her mother knew was that he was a for-hire mechanic with a two year old son, Artemis, in tow. She didn't know what drew her to him initially, but they were nearly engaged in such a short span of time it shocked even her. She had never planned to get pregnant- feared it almost to the brink of a phobia. But… if Arlington would be here to raise it with her she was sure she could manage.He had left when he found out they would be having a daughter. She never got the chance to ask him why.Niraya was lucky that she grew up in Salus. There were few children for her to play with, but enough adults to indulge her in games. Even if it was for a few minutes. She was a well known terror: climbing things, scaring people, and getting into a lot of harmless mischief. Endearing to a point, annoying to a few, but ultimately well meaning. Loud, persistent, and daring, but despite it all, she grew up lonely. She always said she was content with that.Her mother was an important person, always busy making things long into the night, while Niraya had to entertain herself most days. You could tell she feared returning to her quiet home by how much she clung to the people who gave her the time of day. It was always something Calli often apologized for when she inevitably had to pry her off of people.Throughout her childhood she did her best to be a good kid when her mother was there. All she wanted was the warmth of unconditional love, but.. All she received was the occasional praise, and maybe even a hug. Her mother was just too busy, too exhausted- she didn’t think loving her was a priority. The lack of stable comfort strained their relationship as she grew older. After all, how can a mother know her child if she never raised her? The talking back started when Niraya hit puberty.Their fights would get nasty, and were quite infamous. Calli was trying to be more aware- to be a better mom, but Niraya was insistent that it was too late. That being a better mom should have started years ago. Their worst fight brought a lot of nasty things to light, and Niraya was told words she never wanted to hear:“You’re just like your father.”It cut so much deeper than she thought it would. The words even surprised her mother. She tried to apologize, held her tight, and said she didn't mean it.. but Niraya knew. There never were any secrets between her and her mother.She was eighteen years old when she fled Salus. She didn’t tell a single soul- honestly she acted like everything was normal, and slipped away past sunset. Three years prior one of her mentors, Wolfgang, had gone missing, so she decided she would find him. Bring him home. And.. And maybe it would feel like home again. It was an irrational and impulsive decision, but she was determined to see it through.Early into her journey she met a bounty hunting duo, Lynn and Yui. In exchange for traveling with them and aiding her search, she offered to help them on their bounties. After all, a sniper is always an advantage to have. She also offered her weapon repairing services when able. But ultimately it was a good thing Lynn was such a softie.She traveled with them for four years. At first Yui annoyed the hell out of her. The guy literally talks like a Shakespearean play- but teasing the hell out of him was hilarious. It took her over a year to realize that she had fallen for him. She was well aware that he didn't care about her, and likely never would. It honestly kinda… kinda annoyed her that she had fallen at all. It reminded her of her mother's mistake.She did her best to hide it. File it away before it got too intense, but she was young and inexperienced with love. She simply fell harder. She made rings and everything, hopeful that one day he'd change- maybe marry her. What wasn't there to like enough to marry, right? Lynn discouraged her, or tried his best to, and even though she agreed with him, love truly is blind.Niraya and Yui were scouting together near a ravine while Lynn set up camp. She was annoying him, as usual, dangerously at the edge of the cliff side as she teased, poked, and prodded. She could tell he was going to snap at her soon, like a well loved ritual.He told her to fall off of the cliff.At that moment, as if the universe doomed her, she had lost her footing and careened off the side. She didn't even see him try to reach out to her at the last minute.Niraya was alive simply because there was a ledge that caught her at a survivable height. Her left leg was broken, she could feel the dirt mix into the cuts in her skin, and the bruises forming were going to look bad for quite a long time. She waited over an hour. Waited for Yui to call Lynn over- to help her back onto her feet.No one came.She was on her own.She refused to cry, picking herself up the best she could. Survive, adapt, overcome. Niraya pulled herself together, stabilized her leg the best she knew how, and went off to search for a way back to the two herself. But even when she found the spot they were supposed to be camping at- they had already left. She moved on.It took two days before she was discovered by a traveling medic team by the name of Moon Phase. They were overly kind people, helping her as soon as they spotted her, but two of the members were hesitant.It was a father and daughter pair who seemed more like bodyguards than medics, she would later find out their names were Yuta and Akiko Saiko.Akiko and Niraya's friendship didn't start on the right foot. Akiko thought she was suspicious- and had every right to be. An injured person being used as bait, especially someone as small and unassuming as she was, would be perfect to take advantage of a team like this. Niraya thought she was paranoid. With how long she had been alone, desperate for help, she wouldn't imagine doing something so insane.Earning trust was the only way she could curb stomp the doubt. She did what she could while her injuries healed. She was repairing weapons and equipment, helping with food prep, and using her gun, if absolutely necessary. It was only when she told Akiko why she was injured in the first place that the two bonded. She shared back a similar story and they had been friends ever since.When her leg was finally healed up enough to walk comfortably again, Niraya turned her comms device on. At that point it had been five years, and she had never found a single hint of Wolfgang. It was flooded with voice messages, missed calls, and texts and she had cried several times while catching up on them. Birthday messages, general updates, pleas for her return, and even threats to drag her back themselves. She cherished them all.She called her mom.Calli picked up so fast Niraya didn't even have time to hear a ring. She could hear her crying over the phone, asking her a billion and one questions. She tried to calm her down, but to no avail. All she had gotten through was that she was planning to come home soon.It didn't take much to convince Moon Phase to take her to Salus. Her persistence won over another group of people, it seemed, and she was grateful for it.Niraya had returned home a few days before the fall of the PAX settlement. The high of being on familiar sand leveled by the disturbing news. She spent the next two years rebuilding what she had run away from; making amends, apologizing, and forming new friendships on top of fixing existing ones.Salus was home.It will always be home.


Discord ID: Balderdash
Relevant social media ID: @balderdashart on instagram
Preferred Name: Els/Balder/Balderdash
Pronouns: They/Them
RP Style Preferences: HC and short form rps!